Monday, July 26, 2010

Favela on Blast

Favela on Blast_Out everywhere in July. from Leandro HBL on Vimeo.

So people hate Diplo. I ain't on his dick but you're an idiot if you think he's not major. Baile funk I some serious ish. Brazil is mystical and intriging. This is the music of Brazil, get with it.

Go here for Diplo related stuff.

Lsd and animation.

Great story really fun!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Chris Johanson Part deux

He's so awesome.


I need to be posting more. I will do my best. I have alot of random thoughts so this should work well. Daedelus blew my mind when he played at the club. So cool.

Check him here.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Up There Video

UP THERE from Jon on Vimeo.

Sign painting is so great. I feel such a affinity towards it. Art is bullshit sometimes. Inspiration and all the classic ideas of art have created an ego stroking monster, the current day artist. There is no bullshit when it comes to sign painting. You have a medium, and image that needs to go on that medium in a very legible way, and a time frame in which this must be done. Sounds beautiful doesn't it? I would assume that's why I usually leave everything until the last minute, the thrill of constraint. These men are no different than the construction workers or the laborers of this world. Everybody in there own way is an artist yet they fail to realize it, or maybe this is a life lesson that has been constantly overlooked for generations. Art has always been seen as this gift, something that only "artistic" people are born with, what a terrible oversight. If everyone could see how everything is art things would be much different. You built a perfectly flat asphalt road, you developed a computer program that helps people learn, you make coffee, you work at 7-11, .....this could go on forever. My point is; if we all were taught that art and creativity are a part of everyday life, then maybe the world would be less mundane for everyone.

Chris Johanson

I hate it when people say they can't draw. I think that the best drawings come from people who "technically" can't draw. Chris Johanson is a perfect example of this. My whole artistic career has been influenced too much I believe, wheter it be pictures, museums, galleries, and my peers. I would like to discover a state in which I just create what comes out of my head, without judgement, comparison, or prejudice. I don't mean that ethically, I meant artistically. I find that with many things, not just art, it is hard to free yourself from the confines that we setup in our own brain. Media of all sorts comvoludes and over exposes you to many different idea's good and bad but sometimes it is hard to know how to think freely. To me, post modernity all about looking at this from a clear and open persective. We have all been force fed information, how does one free themselves from the confines of that knowledge. Chris does a great job.

Go here to see beautifull things.